Trickster – Still Kicking
Written by admin on September 4, 2023
Trickster – Still Kicking
Denne uges Spot of the Week er Østriske Trickster, der i dag bor i England.
Trickster har haft et omtumlet liv. Han lærte at spille klaver som 3 årig og spillede på stripklubber, da han var 16. Han røg i fængsel som 18årig. Han har været pilot og soldat, han taler 11 sprog og har besøgt 97 lande. I 2017 var han involveret i et voldsomt trafikuheld, han på trods af alle ods overlevede. Den oplevelse blev til sangen Still Kicking, der er denne uges Spot Of The Week.
“I don’t know how, I don’t know why, there must be a reason why I didn’t die.
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Husk at du kan stemme bandet fast ind på vores playliste, ved via vores app, at give bandet en THUMBS UP når du hører dem. Det gælder i hele den uge de er Spot of The Week. Jo flere Thumbs up, jo bedre!
This week’s Spot of the Week is Austrian Trickster who currently lives in England.
Trickster has had a turbulent life. He learned to play the piano at the age of 3 and played in strip clubs when he was 16. He went to prison at the age of 18. He has been a pilot and a soldier, he speaks 11 languages and has visited 97 countries. In 2017, he was involved in a violent traffic accident, but despite all odds survived. That experience became the song “Still Kicking”, which is this week’s Spot of The Week.
I don’t know how, I don’t know why, there must be a reason why I didn’t die.
Vote the band firmly into the playlist
Remember that you can quickly vote the band into our playlist by giving the band a THUMBS UP via our app when you hear them. This applies throughout the week they are Spot of The Week. The more Thumbs up the better!